One of the world's great art galleries and museums, the Uffizi Gallery was begun for Cosimo I de Medici in 1560. The 'U' shaped structure was once the offices - uffizi - of the Medici administration. Each generation of Medici added to the family's extraordinary personal art collection, which was then housed in the Uffizi.
All of our tickets and guided tours are fully inclusive, covering any exhibitions that may be on at the time of your visit, and are all 'skip the line' * tickets; we regularly arrange quantities of pre-booked tickets at particularly busy times in order to offer reserved entrance during high season. The Uffizi is, you don't need telling, a unique repository of unique masterpieces, and we have some visitor information and images on this page.
Included with most tickets is an e-book guide to the gallery, written by two prominent Italian Art Historians, and available to download as epub (for iPad and iPhone, Android, and many ebook readers), mobi (for Kindle) and PDF for pretty much everything else. If you want even more before visiting, you can enjoy an immersive experience of the gallery via the Google Arts & Culture Project
Opening hours vary by date, with the Uffizi normally open later in the evening on Tuesdays.
If you have time, an option is to visit the Uffizi as part of a longer guided tour of Florence - see what's available on this page.
The buttons below will give greater detail on the tickets and tours we offer throughout the year, and do use our calendar to check availability!
Group bookings: Groups of up to 10 people (including a guide so 9 + 1) are permitted, equipped with a wifi radioguide. Visitors must maintain a minimum distance from each other of 1.8 metres
* As of October 2018 the Uffizi has begun to use airport-style security scanners, and this has meant some unavoidable delays - hopefully systems will improve but, in the meantime, if you're visiting on a Tuesday or at the weekend, please do arrive with an extra margin of time to allow for this. The situation is clearly outwith our control and applies to ALL visitors.
The Uffizi is normally open Tuesday to Sunday, with entrance bookable between 8:15 AM and 4:45 PM.
Uffizi, ticket payment and pricing.
At all times we will refer to the full price of your ticket(s), and you will never be charged more than this ... just please be aware that the total charge includes booking fee. You will arrive with a paid-in-full voucher.
Are there any types of reduced tickets for the Uffizi Gallery?
1. 'Full price' tickets are for (i) all non-European citizens aged 18 or over and (ii) for European citizens aged 26 and upwards. See below for a list of countries considered as being European.
2. 'Reduced' tickets are available to European citizens aged between 18 and 25. Proof of ID (usually a passport) will be required. Please note that a student visa is not acceptable as ID.
3. 'Complimentary' tickets are available to (i) anyone under the age of 18. Tickitaly are still charged by the authorities to make this kind of reservation, hence the small charge.
4. Children under the age of six pay nothing - neither do they have to reserve as such - please do specify the number of children in your group that are under this age, however.
5. Please don't purchase any reduced tickets unless you can show a valid ID from one of the European countries listed below. Please note that a student visa is not sufficient ID. If you cannot show valid ID on the day of your visit then you will be charged full price and be required to pay the difference on the spot.
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Based in Italy for 15+ years. Local knowledge, local contacts. We're here to help. | |
Transparency. All tickets are full-entrance with no extras to pay! | |
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We use industry standard Stripe for all-secure payments.
You'll be charged nothing until we have confirmed your tickets and tours.
All prices are displayed in full - there are no additional charges 'on-site' and you will be arriving with the confidence of carrying fully-paid tickets.
Tickitaly is a Licensed Italian Travel Agency
Registered at the Florence Chamber of Commerce
P.IVA 05144650487
We use industry standard Stripe for all-secure payments.
You'll be charged nothing until we have confirmed your tickets and tours.
All prices are displayed in full - there are no additional charges 'on-site' and you will be arriving with the confidence of carrying fully-paid tickets.