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Customer reviews for: Vatican Wonders Tour - 3 hours

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4.6 out of 5 stars from 118 customers. 91 of them wrote reviews:

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3 stars
JY, Singapore
26th Jun 2018
It was a bit too long and emphasized mainly on the artwork instead of the Vatican. Would have been better if there was more tour and information on the churches and place instead of the artwork.
3 stars
TB, Australia
20th Feb 2017
Our host was lovely, incredibly knowledgable with history, family we were with were lovely too. In retrospect I probably wouldn't book again, but that's just me, prefer to be in control of my own experience. Definately learnt a lot, but would have preferred a faster paced tour. For people that love tours I would highly recommend
3 stars
AT, United States
27th Jun 2016
The tour guide was too chatty - she spent too much time on her personal experiences and "empty talk" rather than delivering information. She tried too hard to be entertaining rather than being educational. The level of her narration and language were more appropriate for children or teenagers rather than adults seeking to learn.
3 stars
DS, United States
30th May 2016
Not our favorite place in Rome. It's a little hypocritical that a place as holy as the sistine chapel has so many naked people on its' ceilings. However the tour guide was very nice and explained everything we needed to know
3 stars
DC, Lebanon
14th May 2016
The visit was very interesting and the place is so splendid and a must do tour. If it was for me i would love to make it quicker as we spent too much time waiting for group members to gather. The place was too crowded. At the end we just left even without completing all the important sites. Anyway thank you for a special experience.
3 stars
CC, United States
10th Sep 2014
Our tour guide, Salvatore, was excellent. We found it difficult to find the location to meet him, however. With the size of the crowds, the search for the meeting place on the steps was not fun. Why was there no map on the voucher confirmation sheet?
[Tickitaly responds: unfortunately places can be very crowded - especially during summer - but we provide a map together with your vocher and an emergency local number to call in case you cannot find your guide.]
DB, Australia
19th Jul 2018
5 - fantastic tour guide with great knowledge. Only issue is the crowds & how busy
GM, Ireland
17th Jan 2017
Everything was top class.We had a wonderful tour guide whose name was Giulia I think.She was very informative and had wonderful English.Myself and my wife felt the tour was worthwhile and would have no hesitation in recommending it to other people.
CK, United States
15th May 2016
My tour guide was great. She was very knowledgeable and made the tour exciting
SK, Canada
19th Aug 2015
SB, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
21st Apr 2015
The tour was great and our guide was excellent.

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