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Customer reviews for: Pompei

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4.4 out of 5 stars from 80 customers. 57 of them wrote reviews:

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4 stars
BH, Germany
7th Jan 2018
A great visit although we were not quite sure where to go to exchange our Pompeii card for actual tickets. Better signposting would help.
4 stars
DH, United States
27th Sep 2016
Enjoyed the viit and the card was easy to get and to use. REMIND people that Mt Vesuvius is IFFY for viability and weather.. Book of places to use was excellent - a MAP would be nice as well
4 stars
SB, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
10th Jul 2016
The arte card was great at the sites but it was difficult using it on the trains. Many of the station staff did not seem to know about the card and you couldn't use it to get through electronic barriers
4 stars
SD, United States
13th Aug 2015
Signage at Pompeii for our pass would have been nice. We had to wonder around asking finally found the fast line. Otherwise perfect
4 stars
BJ, Germany
11th Jun 2015
r too many people in Pompeii, but spectacular none the less!
4 stars
JW, South Africa
1st Jun 2015
Very enjoyable and informative visit.
4 stars
AE, Australia
16th Jan 2015
Entry to Pompeii was trouble free as I had prebooked online. Thanks for the info.
4 stars
GR, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
28th Aug 2014
One of the attractions of pre booking was to avoid the lengthy queues we expected (and encountered) in Pompeii. It was, therefore, annoying to have to queue to collect our entry tickets. When we visited the Vatican Museum and Colosseum in Rome earlier this year and pre booked through you, there was a separate ticket office for pre booked tickets which avoided this. Why does this system not operate at Pompeii?
[Tickitaly responds: We guess that you presented your Tickitaly voucher to the wrong office. Please always make sure to follow the instructions as indicate on your reservation vouchers.]
4 stars
MS, Brazil
18th Jan 2014
fantastic visit! unmissible
3 stars
MV, Netherlands
26th Aug 2017
Quick response when we couldn't print the tickets on our pc.
3 stars
EL, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
17th Jun 2016
I was sad that I could make only one visit to each attraction. I was staying in Pompeii and it would have been great to visit the ruins each evening with my card. But it was very useful to have a ticket that covered transport throughout the region.
3 stars
DM, United States
4th Jun 2016
It was not clear that these buses were just local buses and that riders need to be on the lookout for the stop for the ruins. The drivers don't announce it. It took us 90 minutes to get back to the ruins after missing our stop.
3 stars
WT, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
19th Jul 2015
Too many people, too hot..., rip off refreshment food stalls, restaurants around the sue
3 stars
ME, United States
10th Jun 2014
On your site you need to let us know that kids do not need this card. I paid for a card for him and it was a waste of money because he was either allowed in free - or a minimum charge. (10 years old) Appreciate it! Thanks!
[Tickitaly responds: All ticket types are specified online while you place your order. Before selecting the amount of tickets required you should check the 'help' link or below on the same page in the TICKET TYPE section. In this way you will avoid any inconvenient.]
3 stars
LC, Australia
10th Mar 2014
Pompeii fantastic the 3 day pass for venues. At Pompeii give different information they were not sure what our package entailed. Luckily it gained us entry for two days as we did not have enough time to see other sights. Package would be better for people staying in Naples and going to Pompeii
AM, Spain
23rd Mar 2015
SH, Ireland
2nd Aug 2014
Pompeii was magical the only thing for us was that we were 2 h south of Napoli as a base so we had to go to Napoli station to collect the tickets on our day of arrival and driving in Napoli is some experience!!! A desk at the airport would prove very handy ! We also used the tickets for Paestum

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