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Customer reviews for: Venice Clock Tower tickets

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4.6 out of 5 stars from 49 customers. 33 of them wrote reviews:

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5 stars
AM, Australia
22nd Feb 2015
Loved this tour and our guide was very informative. Meeting place for the early 10am tour was inside the office and not outside which was a little confusing but once this was organised it was perfect.
5 stars
NG, United States
1st Nov 2014
MY FAMILY ENJOYED THE TOUR!!!! the tour guide was amazing She was very interesting . Would do it again
5 stars
SK, United States
21st Jul 2014
Great tour. Would recommend people to do it, especially if they want a tour that feels a little more intimate.
5 stars
SK, United States
17th Jul 2014
The guide was excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed the visit of the clock tower.
5 stars
VR, United States
4th Jul 2014
I originally thought I bought tickets to the Bell Tower. But our group was pleased that I made that mistake. The tour and guide were wonderful and very interesting. We were able to climb to the vey top floor of the Clock Tower. We thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Keep up the good work.
5 stars
SM, United States
2nd Jul 2014
interesting tour would highly recommend
5 stars
VK, Russian Federation
13th Jun 2014
The excursion was woundeful. My special thanks to our guide! The instructions about where to start given in the voucher were detailed and helpful. Anyway, we were so tired and excited that we first did not notice them. I wish these details would be bolded or even put into a frame, so that tourists couldn't ignore them and won't be able to confuse the place where they should meet their guide. In general, all was organized very well and we enjoyed the Venice sceneries from the tower very much! Thank you!
5 stars
MS, Finland
7th Apr 2014
We had probems with getting into the tower, because our vaporetto was too slow - or we were late - however, were was so nice personnel and professional and lovely quide that we could join to the tour. Thank you so much, it was just awsome up in the tower above St Marcs !
4 stars
DY, United States
6th May 2019
It was good, but not enough time to look around at the roof top, and third floor tiers
4 stars
AW, United States
5th Feb 2017
Spectacular view of San Marco Plaza and the Basilica. Definitely worth the effort. Unique perspective on plaza. Also very informative.
4 stars
MB, United States
28th Apr 2016
Nice tour, but it was rainy on and off that day. The tour would have been better if the guide had taken us to the top while it was clear instead of proceeding as normal, because by the time we got to the top it had just started to rain and we couldn't go out on the roof.
4 stars
BB, Australia
9th Mar 2015
Very interesting. Really knowledgeableand friendly guide.
4 stars
MD, United States
16th Aug 2014
It was a great view, efficient tour with small group.

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