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Customer reviews for: Milan tour + Last Supper tickets (morning)

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4.5 out of 5 stars from 79 customers. 63 of them wrote reviews:

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5 stars
DF, Gibraltar
4th Feb 2014
Seeing the mural of the last supper was a dream come true. Great guide on the tour
5 stars
RF, United States
30th Jan 2014
Our tour was better than expected. Our guide was informed and provided a very positive experience. Really enjoyed Milan.
4 stars
KC, Thailand
22nd Mar 2017
An easy and enjoyable way to explore Milan in one day
4 stars
WK, United States
16th Jun 2016
Unfortunately we were not able to go into the Duomo because of the long line. Our guide Ana was fantastic!
4 stars
PD, Netherlands
27th Oct 2015
The visiting LAst Supper with our guide was marvelous, very impressive.
4 stars
RK, Canada
24th Jun 2015
Great tour with an excellent guide.
4 stars
WF, United States
24th May 2015
It was great, we had a wonderful time.
4 stars
LH, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
7th May 2015
The tour was wonderful.
4 stars
PS, United States
17th Mar 2015
Very interesting tour with a knowledgable guide. I would have preferred to spend less time at La Scala and more time in the Duomo (we only had 15 minutes there). The Last Supper was fantastic!
4 stars
YO, United States
12th Jan 2015
Alessandro was a very good guide. Knowledgeable and friendly. I enjoyed the tour very much. The reason I gave this four stars is the price. Generally, it is pretty unfortunate that all of the Last Supper tickets which cost under 10 euros are bought by middlemen and there is a very slim chance to get a ticket unless you plan your Milan visit several months in advance. So you are forced to buy a much more expensive tour. I do have to say though that, looking back I do not regret going on that tour since it was quite interesting.
4 stars
JD, United States
13th Sep 2014
Our tour guide was easy to understand, provided good background information.
4 stars
LW, Australia
15th Jul 2014
Maybe a little overpriced, but a good overview of Milan, and the easiest way to get a confirmed viewing of the amazing Last supper painting.
4 stars
CG, Australia
2nd Feb 2014
Tour guide was excellent, handling a difficult situation with one person very professionally. As always, these tours tend to be too big. 25 would be a better sized group.
4 stars
GL, United States
10th Jan 2014
I would have liked more time in the La Scala museum. I felt the need to go back and pay to go through there again at a slower pace.
3 stars
DC, United States
3rd Aug 2017
I loved viewing "The Last Supper" however the tour included a visit of the inside of the cathedral. When we got there, it was not open. I believe when you pay for something and it is advertised as being included in the tour you should see everything. I did not appreciate the comment that we could come back later to visit it. I was not staying in Milan so "later" was not possible. On the other hand, our guide was great, the bus and driver were excellent. [Tickiytaly responds: Dear Customer, unfortunately the closing of the churches do not depends on us and for this reason we state online the following: Last minute alterations: Due to occasional special events we are sometimes obliged to make changes to the tour - if for example the Scala or the Duomo has restricted access. We do our best to avoid these circumstances but sometimes events take place at very short notice. - In the event that the Cathedral (Duomo) is not open to the public, the tour will continue with an explanation of the exterior of the Church, and clients will be provided with entrance tickets which they can use in their own time after the tour has ended.
3 stars
JM, United States
25th Feb 2016
Arrived exactly at 9:30 and the bus had already gone, but it was passing by the meeting point in 5 minutes so we were able to get on and enjoy the tour. Tour did not mention Castello Sforza (maybe they covered it all in 5 minutes?) and the panoramic tour of Milan ... well panoramic is hyperbole to say the least.
3 stars
KJ, United States
22nd Mar 2014
Wonderful tour in general. Only complaint was that the group we were in was 90% American/English speaking and 10% German speaking. That meant that the tour guide said everything in one language first, then repeated in the other. This was fine when we were on foot, but on the moving bus, it was very difficult to tell what the tour guide was referring to as the bus continued moving as she said the same 2 minute description in each language. I would highly encourage tour buses to use ONE language or be trained to STOP at the places being described by the guide so that everyone knows to what she was referring
CN, Australia
21st Sep 2017
Unfortunately we had to cancel due to ill health. Most disappointing as this was to be the highlight of our visit to Milan.
GD, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
1st Apr 2016
Brilliant - really glad I had book ahead - thankyou tickitaly
IG, Australia
23rd Jul 2015
5 out of 5. The Tour was excellent and the guide did an exceptional job.

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