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Customer reviews for: Borghese Gallery tickets (includes e-book guide)

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4.7 out of 5 stars from 221 customers. 126 of them wrote reviews:

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5 stars
RF, United States
21st Feb 2017
second time to Borghese. One of my favorite museums in the world. Advance tickets really helps.
5 stars
KG, Canada
16th Feb 2017
We did not receive an ebook guide. Our tickets explicitly stated that no cameras were allowed so we did not bring ours. But everyone else had cameras and used them throughout their visit. We wish we had our camera for this amazing gallery.
5 stars
RG, United States
9th Feb 2017
one of the best art museums we have seen
5 stars
IM, Canada
8th Jan 2017
Incredible artwork.
5 stars
MN, Finland
24th Jan 2016
Wonderful service - thinking of being able to jump the queues!
5 stars
RE, United States
16th Jan 2016
The visit was fantastic. Having tickets in advance proved valuable. No wasting precious time in line. Great stress reliever.
5 stars
VM, Belgium
10th Dec 2015
very clear and easy
5 stars
AA, United States
3rd Jul 2015
It was a beautiful place! I used the service of a tour guide and she was absolutely amazing. Her knowledge about the sculptures and paintings was superb! It made our visit thoroughly enjoyable .
5 stars
SM, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
25th Jun 2015
Visit was fabulous.
5 stars
PC, United States
17th Jun 2015
Borghese Gallery was well worth the visit. Amount of people allowed in is tightly controlled so no big crowd. But you need the tickets.
5 stars
BO, Germany
26th Apr 2015
Es war sehr angenehm, dass nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Besuchern während eines Zeitfensters die Räume betreten konnten. Kunstgenuss pur! It was very pleasant that only a certain number of visitors during a time window could enter the premises . Art pure enjoyment !
5 stars
VY, Russian Federation
17th Apr 2015
Посещение Галереи Боргезе очень понравилось. A visit to the Borghese Gallery is very pleased.
5 stars
DW, Australia
14th Apr 2015
Wonderful visit, very impressive
5 stars
JF, Czech Republic
14th Apr 2015
smooth and easy
5 stars
JG, United States
7th Apr 2015
Amazing collection.
5 stars
PK, Switzerland
7th Apr 2015
The visit was great and fantastic! Audio Gide was not really working properly and it was very difficult to find where you are and what the audio number is for this place (it was not always written in the room) It took nit less then 20 mins to handle it even with the help of the staff, what is not good cos you can be in the Gallery only 2 hrs and every minute is very important. But in general it was very good and impressive!
5 stars
JD, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
29th Mar 2015
Truly Wonderful. Well organised for collecting tickets. Services available for refreshments and rest rooms. Great setting, Well worth the money, though you must book in advance to avoid disspointment.
5 stars
TZ, Serbia
28th Mar 2015
Amazing gallery, very well organised
5 stars
LL, United States
18th Feb 2015
The gallery is wonderful.
5 stars
RR, New Zealand
5th Feb 2015
This is a " must do". They limit the number of people in at a time so it is not at all crowded. If you start at the top and work downwards to avoid the tour groups. You must prebook though.

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